
Day 0

Body Fat : 32%
Weight   : 257.8
Trend    : 257.8
% Lost   : 0.00%

I recently turned 30. I also recently realized a deep dissatisfaction with my physical appearance. Undoubtedly, the 2 are related facts (30 and the realization, not the weight problem).

I've put together a ridiculously ambitious workout plan that will carry me through the foreseeable future. I've acquired a series of products from Team Beachbody, as well as some from elsewhere on the web. These programs are typically targeted at people far closer to being in shape than I am, but a part of me still doesn't want to make the full admission of just how bad it is.

I recognize that I won't be able to complete the program (at least to start) but hopefully will build up the endurance as the days go by. I'll also do my best to not injure myself...that would put a severe dent in my plans.

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